Silver Dollar, -later, from 1900 onwards it would also be supplied under the name of «Palmer Pen» if desired-, over or underfeed, without curve tubular feed, a plain, black hard rubber or mottled, with 14k nib. With straight cap. “It is with pleasure that we offer to our friends a pen that can be retailed at the popular price of One Dollar. No attempt has been made towards ornamentation, yet the fountain is beautifully finished and burnished, and the fittings are perfect.”
Special, overfeed, without curve tubular feed, plain or chased, black hard rubber pen with straight cap. Special Pens are the best pens obtainable for the prices. Just the Pen to meet the demand for a popular price. It was $1.50.
#1 was marketed plain black or mottled. Without ornamentation but are “made for service”. Overfeed and straight cap. It was $2.00.