1922 Parker fountain pen catalog

«The Parker Pen Company, Janesville, Wis., has completed a pretentious catalogue of sixty-four pages, made up in loose leaf style. The book opens with interesting descriptions and illustrations of manufacturing operations. Explicit information regarding assortments, display cabinet, care and use of Parker «Lucky Curve» pens, prices and illustrations of the different numbers follow. Several pages are devoted to the Parker «Lucky Lock» pencil.» July, 1922. Office Appliances; the magazine of office equipment.

The catalog reproduced here contains unnumbered pages that I suppose added later.

We show this picture of the Parker Pen plant because we believe there is a definite feeling of satisfaction in knowing that the goods you sell or use come from a good home-that they are not likely to become orphans on your hands. There is a standing invitation to all Parker Pen dealers-and others-to visit this factory. What you will see is described more fully in the foreword of this book.

JUST A WORD in presenting this new catalog to you. Parker Pens have been manufactured and sold for many years. The writer started in the fountain pen business when little more than a mere boy.

The dominant idea at the inception was to make the best pen we knew how to make, to make it on honor, and to make it as though it was going into the pocket of one’s best friend.

This idea has prevailed from the time of its inception to the present. Improvements in the working qualities of the pen have naturally come through experience.

The splendid and loyal organization which has grown around the Parker Pen is responsible for the modern Parker Pen and Pencil of today. No pen or pencil is knowingly permitted to leave the factory that does not measure up to the very highest standard of workmanship, materials and construction.

In event that you decide to associate yourself with this company, either by using or distributing its products, will you not do it with the idea that these pens and pencils have been built of something more than mere gold, rubber, iridium and workmanship, but that something more goes with it-the maker’s best efforts to give complete satisfaction.

Yours sincerely,

George S. Parker”

A pen or pencil is the most intimate personal equipment an individual can own. Thought flows through the fingertips, and life through the use­ of a good pen or pencil. is made an easier more orderly and satisfactory progress. For this reason, we want you to know Parker Pens and Parker Pencils intimately.

At best a catalog is a very imperfect substitute for a flesh and blood visit between manufacturer and owner or dealer. Aside from showing a lot of pens and pencils we want our catalog to put over some idea of the factory, and the people in it, where these pens and pencils are made. We do a, lot of buying from catalogs ourselves and always have had a curiosity to set, what the «birthplaces of out desks and chairs and screw machines and time clocks, etcetera, look like. We should also like to see the faces of a good many » C. R. Smiths» and «R. S. Butlers» with whom we have had a lot of correspondence. Therefore, about this factory of ours.

Janesville is its location in southern Wisconsin, 90 miles northwest of Chicago, 70 miles west of Milwaukee. Incidentally, we want to say that: whenever any of our dealer friends, or others, are in Chicago or Milwaukee or any place nearby a most cordial invitation to visit us is extended. Making a, fountain pen or a propelling pencil is a really interesting job-something: you will be glad to have seen.

The Parker Pen Company has occupied a number of sites and outgrown, them regularly every seven or eight years since 1891. The present plant is five stories high, brand new, completed in 1921. It was necessary to erect: this new building in the so-called «hard times».

It has been called one of the finest and best equipped manufacturing plants in the country. Anyway, it makes a nice place to work well lighted, good fresh air ventilation, up-to-date equipment, hospital, restrooms, smoking rooms, cafeteria -everything that tends to promote efficiency as well as comfort and convenience.

You would probably be surprised to see and to realize the number of operations required to transform a chunk of crude hard rubber and a bit of gold -and a few other things- into a fountain pen. The rough hard rubber comes to us from the rubber factory in the form of rods or tubes, depending on the parts it is to be made into. We can’t very well give a detailed account of the entire process, but if you will visit us, we will be glad to show it to you.

Briefly, the process is as follows: The rods or tubes of rubber are fed into automatic machines which, with great speed and precision, shape and cut the rubber into the different parts which make up a pen. Each automatic machine, of course, is set up to make one particular part. A certain number of machines are making «inner caps:» others are making «sections;» others «blind caps»: etcetera.

The Automatic Department is perhaps the most fascinating of all. If you are mechanically inclined you could undoubtedly stand and gaze at an automatic screw machine in action for 30 minutes without a flagging interest. These machines, while not equipped with a set of brains, do their many intricate operations much more speedily and precisely and accurately than human hands could do them.

The illustration along side gives a close view of an automatic Screw Machine. They are called »Screw Machines» because the first and principal use to which they were put was the production of metal screws. For our purposes they are re-set and tooled up for the production of many kinds of fountain pen parts, both of rubber and metal. The raw stock of metal or rubber is fed in in the form of a rod or tube in lengths up to fifteen feet. This stock is fed into an automatic chuck as needed where it is operated on by various tools in their proper order at precisely the proper instant.

The machine automatically slows down, speeds up, stops, reverses, or does whatever it is required with no attention of any operator except when it needs refilling. The work is done with absolute precision when the machine has once been properly tooled up and set.

This is rather important. It means that Parker Pen parts are standardized -that each part of the pen is accurately made to the thousandth part of an inch.

An elaborated tool room is required to keep the automatic machines in condition. In the tool room are lathes, engine punch presses, milling machines, gear cutters, planers, scrapers, saws and other heavy machinery. In conjunction with the Tool Room is an alert to discover any experimental department which is constantly on the new efficiencies and short-cuts in manufacturing.

A small, but interesting and invaluable department is the Diamond Grinding Room. For many operations on the automatic screw machines diamond tools are required. The hardness of the diamond means that they cut sharp and clean and true. Only after many hours of cutting do they begin to show wear. They are then sent to the Diamond Grinding Room, set in steel and ground with diamond dust on a lapping disc which revolves at a high rate of speed. To re-sharpen a diamond, it is necessary to grind them from one week to several months.

From the Automatic Department the formed parts are transferred to Factory Departments I and II where the different parts are fitted to each other on hand lathes. These operations require the human touch and therefore the work is done by skilled rubber turners and fitters. Some of the pens are then sent to the Chasing Department. Here are many more machines which automatically engrave a chased design on 6 or 8 barrels or caps at one time. These are ingenious machines that seem to see and feel and know enough to do just the right thing at the right time. They require no attention except for reloading.

From Factory Departments I and from the Chasing Department, the pens next go to the Pumicing and Polishing Department. The rubber parts are here smoothed up and polished bright and clean. After this they are transferred to the Fitting and Assembly Departments, where the self-filling mechanism is fitted into the barrel and the gold nibs fitted and adjusted. Great skill is required in this as can readily be appreciated.

Each pen is given a triple inspection to safeguard against any defective or imperfect merchandise being shipped.

The manufacture of gold pen points is in itself an art and a difficult one. Fine gold is alloyed to the proper degree and rolled out into sheets of a certain thickness, stamped out into the proper shape, and tempered to give it the proper degree of elasticity or stiffness. To the writing point is fused a bit of iridium -the hardest known metal- which is mined in Tasmania. Then the point is ground so that it writes smoothly.


Assortments Parker Pens and Parker Pencils are furnished to dealers in assortments of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 24 or more dozen.

Assortments can be ordered to include either pens or pencils, or both. When a dealer leaves it to us to make up the assortment, we select a variety of pens and pencils which have been found to be the average best sellers.

 Dealer s all over the country sell a certain per centage of $2.50 pens, a different percentage of $3.00 pens, and $4.00 pens, and so forth.

The assortments that we select are based on the general average of purchases and therefore comprise models of pens and pencils from which dealers can expect the best results. Pen assortments will average about $25.00 per dozen net; pencil assortments about $15.00 per dozen net.

Discounts will be quoted upon application.

Terms of Payment. On initial orders for display case assortments, an arrangement can be made either direct with the company or through the company’s representative, so that the total amount of the invoice may be divided into three monthly payments.

When such an arrangement is made, it is necessary that mention of it be made on the original order; otherwise the entire order will be billed out on the regular term 2% ten days, thirty days net.

Exchanges. We are willing at any time to make exchanges for dealers who keep their accounts active, to assist them in making more sales of Parker products.

Any pens or pencils received on an original assortment order -not models desired by the dealer- may at once be returned and exchanged at full face value for other models.

Goods which have been in stock some time and the dealer finds unsalable, may be exchanged at their full-face value, less exchange and handling charge on unmounted numbers, including clips and screw rings, of 10%.

On pencils and all mounted pens including those with bands and gold and silver mountings, the exchange and handling charge is 15%.


 The following information is something that we urge all dealers to read carefully. It is important that Parker Pen dealers understand the construction of the different types of pens so that they will be in a position to service them properly.

I. Explanation of Different Types and How to Identify Them.

Two main types of Parker Pens are manufactured, namely «self-filling» and regular. By regular is meant a pen filled with a dropper. Each of these types has two modifications:

I. Self-Filling:                                   II. Regular:

  1. Jack-Knife Safety.                         1. Jack-Knife Safety

2. Slip Cap                                       2. Slip Cap

Therefore, before attempting to clean your pen, or in writing about re pairs for it, determine what type it is, also its catalog number and the size of the pen point.

The self-filling type is identified by the presence of a small blind cap on the end of the barrel, which, when removed, exposes the presser button of the self-filling mechanism.

The regular type (non-self-filling) has a single piece barrel with no blind cap on the end.

The Jack Knife Safety model (self-filling or regular) is identified by the safety cap which screws on. «JACK KNIFE SAFETY» is stamped on the cap.

The Slip Cap model (self-filler or regular) is identified by the cap which slips on over the nozzle. being secured by friction, not by threads.

The pen point number, denoting the size of the point, is stamped thereon.

Transparent barrel pens are made both in self-filling and regular types, and in both Jack Knife Safety and Slip Cap models.

The ink contained in the barrel can only be seen, however, in the regular type.

Ivorine Pens (pens with colored barrels) are supplied only as Jack Knife Safety self-fillers.

II. Technical Description of Sell-filling Type.

The Parker Self-filling pen is unlike any other self-filling pen in the world. Its mechanism is entirely enclosed within the barrel. Why? Successful and safe self-filling pens are necessarily equipped with soft rubber sacks on the inside to hold the ink. Soft rubber, by nature, is not as durable as hard rubber. Therefore, sometime, maybe i n one year, maybe in five years, the soft rubber sac will burst. When this happens with ordinary pens, the ink is free to come out through the opening in barrel through which the self-filling lever protrudes, thus, staining the surroundings the clothing or handbag, etc. With the Parker Pen no ink can possibly escape under any circumstances because there is no opening. Furthermore, it does not necessarily mean an interruption of service. The self-filling mechanism can be removed, and the pen used as a drop filler until some time when repairs can conveniently be made.

The Parker self-filling pen is thus the one and only safe pen under all circumstances. (See illustrations 4 and 5 on Page – showing operation of self-filling mechanism.)

III. Technical Description of Regular Type.

 The Parker Regular or non-self-filling type consists of three main parts, (1) the barrel, (2) the pen point section assembly (including gold point, feed and nozzle) and (3) the cap. There is nothing to get out of order and the barrel holds a greater amount of ink than a similar sized self-filler, due to the absence of the self-filling mechanism.

 All thread joints are carefully and perfectly made so the danger of leakage is done away with: It is essential, however, that joints be kept free from dirt and grit, otherwise a leak is likely to occur.

IV. Proper Method of Filling (Self-Filling Type).

Remove the blind cap and completely submerge the pen point in good clean ink. Press the self-filling button two or three times to force all air from the sac (see cut I) and then release the pressure of the button (see cut 2) but do not remove the pen from the ink for three or four seconds. A few seconds time must be allowed for the soft rubber sac to suck up a full charge of ink. Follow these directions carefully and you will have no difficulty in making your pen fill to its full capacity. Read this over and digest it carefully your Parker Pen will last for many years and it will be to your advantage to learn now once for all, how to fill it properly.

 V. Proper Method of Filling (Regular Type).

Unscrew the nozzle section, holding the pen point upward. Fill with an ink dropper from good clean ink (see cut 6) and replace the nozzle section. In screwing the nozzle back into place, after one complete turn of the thread has been made, invert the pen holding point over the ink bottle (see cut 7) and finish screwing into place. Excess ink thus flows out the channel and does not collect at the joint.

VI. What Not To Do.

  1. Do not disassemble the sell-filling pen. If, after following the directions as given. your pen fails to function, send it to us. It is guaranteed. But the guarantee becomes void if the pen has been disassembled and, in any way, injured as a consequence. This means, do not unscrew the nozzle (point a, cut 4, page 2) or the sac will be twisted and rendered useless; and do not pull out the presser bar or button (point b, cut 4, page 2) or the sac will probably be telescoped when you attempt to replace it.
  2. Do not use any but the best ink. Pens should not be filled from dusty, gummy, muddy ink wells. Any good writing fluid may be used, preferably from a corked bottle. We strongly and sincerely recommend Parker Ink because it is the highest quality and contains no chemicals which will injure any part of the pen. It is permanent in its record qualities and absolutely free from sediment.
  3. Do not fail to keep cap screwed tightly on the pen when it is not in use. Failure to do this will result in the nozzle section and feed becoming encrusted with dry ink. interfering with proper flow. This is important get the right habit.
  4. Do not Jet your pen become dirty and clogged. (See instructions on cleaning.) With regular types be sure the joint between nozzle and barrel is clean and tight. A particle of dust or dirt here may result in an imperfect union and consequently a leak.

VII. How to Clean the Pen.

 A self-filling pen can easily be cleaned by submerging the pen point in water, pressing and releasing the button several times. (See illustration 8). This will eject all the sediment and dirt from the ink channel and clean out the inside of the sac. If the pen point and feed are encrusted with ink, it may be necessary to allow the pen to stand in cold water for some time in order to loosen this crust.

Failure to keep the cap screwed on tightly when the pen is not in use will invariably result in the gold pen and feed becoming encrusted with ink. The joint (A) in illustration 10 must be closed airtight when the pen is not in use. Otherwise, the volatile, ingredients of the ink will evaporate, leaving the solids. The regular type can be easily cleaned by allowing the pen section to remain submerged in water over night.

The ink channel can be cleaned out by taking the rubber bulb from the ink dropper, putting it over the nozzle threads, and forcing water up and down through the ink channel.

The Jack Knife Safety cap is very easily cleaned as it may be taken apart and thus made more accessible. Unscrew the inner cap and clean it. Then put some cotton on a match and by means of this wipe out the inside. (See illustration 9.) The slip cap can be cleaned in the same manner.

Vlll. Repair Information.

 The Parts and Service Department is operated for the convenience and satisfaction of Parker Pen users. Painstaking attention is given to all repair work sent in, both by dealers and others.

To execute work promptly and satisfactorily, we must have your cooperation. Mark plainly on the package your name and address. Write a letter of instructions, stating the trouble and what is to be done. Empty ink from the barrel and pack the pen securely.

SERVICE CHARGE-NOTE CAREFULLY. When pens sent in for repair are in need of a general adjustment, in addition to the repair work ordered. an additional service charge of 15c per pen is made. This charge is net to everyone. This service includes a general adjustment, a thorough cleansing of all parts, alignment and resetting the gold point and polishing. When such service is not required, it is not rendered, and no charge is made. But this service is made in all cases if, in our judgment, it is advisable to do so for the good of the pen. It is our custom to return repair jobs C. O. D. to persons not having accounts with the company, to eliminate unnecessary bookkeeping and clerical work.

The Parker Duofold family is now complete with Duofold Jr. and Lady Duofold. Duofold Jr. is a medium length pen with neat gold-filled pocket clip. The Lady Duofold is also medium length but smaller in girth than the Duofold Junior. It has a Chatelaine ring on the end and a heavy rolled gold band on the cap.

Both are exactly the same in quality as the big Duofold at $7.00 the unparalleled pen success of America. They differ only in size and price. One is for women; the other for men who do not wish such a large pen as the senior Duofold.

The color is the same -Chinese Red with black tips- «handsomer than gold.» Its beautiful lacquer like finish is one of the features of this pen that are making it the most popular and bestselling pen in America. Every store that handles fountain pens at all should have a complete assortment of Duofolds.

GUARANTEE: The pen points of Duofold Jr. and Lady Duofold, like the standard Duofold, are guaranteed for wear and mechanical perfection for 25 years.