Just as every depression in history has resulted in the removal of the «deed wood of industry,» leaving only the fittest to survive, so the depression that started in 1929 has done its work of establishing an outstanding leader among fountain pen manufacturers. A leader that has withstood the test and whose fortitude, faith and foresight has again proved its right to dominance—The Parker Pen Company.
From 1929 to 1932, a period when many pen manufacturers were content to be carried downstream, grew fearful and entered low-priced markets, the courage of George S. Parker, exemplified by his introduction of the Vacumatic, completely revolutionized the pen business, turned the tide and brought about a rebirth of high-priced pen sales.
In August 1932 Mr. Parker announced the amazing new Sacless Vacumatic—a pen that holds 102% more ink than sac pens of the same size, one that fills by vacuum pressure and writes two ways without adjustment. A pen whose laminated barrel and startling beauty was destined to completely capture the market for pens selling over five dollars —a pen that has since done more for the stationery industry than any other single product brought out in many, many years.
As a further indication of his faith in his product and the ability of his dealers to sell a truly fine writing instrument, Mr. Parker launched a tremendous national advertising campaign —told the public that now they could expect something better in pens —could get it in the new Parker Vacumatic.
The success of the Parker Vacumatic has been overwhelming. Advertising appropriations have been increased month after month—millions of men and women have definitely decided that the Vacumatic is the only fountain pen they want—and the Parker factory has been working night and day to supply dealers all over the world. Again, an achievement has been born of courage—leadership maintained by a spirit of progress.
Parker Offers the Most Complete Assorment Of Pen Points in the World.
Any handwriting style, any individual peculiarity or characteristic in handwriting can now be fitted and perfectly suited with a Parker point. In the regular Vacumatic line, six splendid gradations are available in rigid or flexible types at the regular price of the pen. For those whose particular business or vocation demands an extraordinary t/pe of point—any one of 8 custom-made, special purpose points can be obtained at an additional charge of 75 cents. All Parker Vacumatic points are executed in Gold and Platinum and tipped with Iridium. Made and finished to jewel-smoothness by Parker’s pen-making craftsmen and under Parker patents—they are universally accepted as the finest writing instruments in the world.
The Miracle Parker Pen- Sacless.
No piston pump or valves, patented Vacumatic filling device–102% greater ink capacity. Sizes; Oversize- Standard- Slender. Silver pearl transparent and silver pearl opaque.
Parker Vacumatic ultra-smart style in laminated pearl -design patented by Parker- transparent models show ink supply within. Burgundy transparent and burgundy opaque.
Vacumatic pen and pencil set in beautiful gift box.
For the conservative taste -the Vacumatic pen in black- transparent model has longitudinal windows, pen appears solid black when fillet but reveals ink supply when held to ligh.
Parker Vacumatic Clinical Thermometer No. 1577 in laminated case. Matches all silver pearl pen, pencil and thermometer set. The ideal gift for doctor or nurse.
Parker Junior Vacumatic.
In transparent colors -also in solid black- same patented Vacumatic filling device as in laminated models. Colors; transparent grey, transparent burrgundy, solid black and crystal with black cap.