Published by The Parker Pen Company. September 1, 1936 (illustrated on the cover in the new De Luxe Set Box 228)

New $10.00 No. 38 Senior VACUMATIC Pen. New $5.00 No. 538 Senior Pencil to Match.

In response to many requests for a $10.00 pen and a $5.00 pencil of a more slender shape than the present oversize models, we have added these more slender numbers to our VACUMATIC line. The new pen will be known as the “Senior» size No. 38. It is of the same length as the oversize model, but decidedly smaller in girth and consequently has more elegance and grace.


The new Vacumatic flasher display No. 984-A is beautifully lithographed in seven striking colors. Portions of the center panel and both side panels are translucent and light up alternately by a unique double lasher action. The center panel flashes on first; then, as it darkens, both side panels light up.

The display No. 984-A, when set up, measures 34″ high, 33″ wide and 11″ deep. One Vacumatic Flasher Display has been sent to every Parker pen dealer who has a representative stock. There will be thousands of windows throughout the nation showing this attractive display during the present month.

PARKER SECRETARY No. 1102. A Vacumatic pen, slender in design, large in ink capacity, with unique fingeer grip and special nib, assuring effortless writing and freedom from fatigue. The ideal pen for stenographer, accountant, and anyone who has constant use for a pen while at his desk.

NEW PARKER SEXTETTE BOXES. DeLuxe Challenger, Parker Challenger, Parkette De Luxe, and Parkette sets in box.

COMPACT-COMPLETE VACUMATIC COUNTER CASE No. 992. Styled by a famous designer this case has been created with one idea in mind -to supply a complete Vacumatic assorment for every retailer.

PARKER VACUMATIC. The Golden Pearl Line – A Radiant New Beauty – The Sensation of 1936.

PARKER VACUMATIC. The Silver Pearl Line – The Most Popular Writing Instrument In The World.

PARKER VACUMATIC. The Transparent Laminated Jet Black Line – Conservative, Yet Smart.

PARKER VACUMATIC. The Emerald Pearl Line. Shimmering With The Iridiscent Beauty of a rare Jewel.

PARKER VACUMATIC. The Burgundy Pearl Line of Deep, Gleaming Richness – A Fashionable Favorite.

The Brown Pearl and Transparent Black Junior Parker Vacumatic Lines.

The Grey Pearl, Burgundy Pearl and Green Pearl Junior Parker Vacumatic Lines.

Parker De Luxe Challenger, and Challenger. Button Filler.

Parkette De Luxe and Parkette. Lever filler.

«One of the nice things that comes from conducting a business which is world-wide in its ramifications is the fact that we are in touch with so many fine people.» (Geo. S. Parker)

PARKER QUINK. Parker QUINK is the faster growing ink on the marker, because of Parker’s world wide advertising, and due to the fact that QUINK does what no other ink can; it cleans a pen as it writes.

NEW 1937 STYLES IN PARKER DESK SETS. Feature the revolucionary Sealomatic Bowl.

NEW PARKER PEN FLOOR CASE. New Design – New Beauty – New Utility – New Sales appeal. Created by the noted American style authority Paul Ressinger.


Parker Sealomatic clock desk set.

THE VACUMATIC DESK PEN WITH FULL INK VISIBILITY. Parker announces a completely new line of desk sets which have never been equaled in originality, beauty, and mechanical excellence. At last desk sets as practicable and essential for office and home as a fountain pen.

There are 142 models in leather, onyx, marble, glass, enameled metal, chrome, or wood, equipped with clocks, lamps, blotters, et cetera, to fit the most discriminating taste. Prices range from $1.95 to $80.00 list.

COMPLETE DESK PENS. Parker desk pens and bases match perfectly. The pens have been chosen by a well-known style authority to harmonize or contrast with the base materials and colors. The same quality and precision of workmanship is obtained in desk pens and pencils as in (public’s choice) Parker Vacumatic, Challenger, and Parkette pocket models.

PARKER’S NEW SEALOMATIC ROCKER BOWL. Overcomes 2 chief faults of average pen desk sets:

  • Ends seepage of ink from pen into pen retainer.
  • Ends drying of ink on the pen point.
  1. Automatically tilts upward to receive pen.
  2. Automatically pivots to near level rest when pen is inserted —hence gravity pull is lessened— ink cannot seep out.
  3. Automatically ejects pen unless you insert it firmly, thus warning you the “perfect seal” has not been made.
  4. Automatically clasps pen in air-tight seal and holds it ready to write minutes, hours, or days later.